I love coding about as much as my buddy Scout loves sleeping. And he really likes to sleep! 🤣
I am a self-taught programmer that enjoys creating beautiful web pages and apps written in Semantic HTML5 and responsive CSS3.
While the first (and probably my favorite) programming language that I learned was Python at the beginning of 2021, I spend most of my time now writing in JavaScript ES6.
I am currently looking to join a team that will help mentor an inquisitive problem-solver with a desire to learn.
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Landing Page for the company I am interning at, Tlancer. The entire frontend is created by me in React.js library and utilizes Bootstrap 5 for styling and responsiveness. I have also added a custom language toggler. It gathers sign up information and post's it to our backend api. I am currently working on the MVP of our educational platform.
This backend application was created using NodeJS and Express along with EJS templates. This applications utilizes the OpenWeather.org API to gather various information based on the zip coded entered. EJS allows you to save portions of HTML as 'template views' that can be used similar to components in React but with many more limitations and allows you to pass information between web pages.
Inspired by the ReactJS.org documentation tutorial, this game of Tic Tac Toe has been modified to keep score and includes custom animations.
Completely designed, photographed, developed and deployed web page for a friends locally owned business. It was designed for mobile in mind with optimized assets and responsiveness.
Inspired by a couple of projects in the Scrimba Frontend Developer Certification, this app consumes the deckofcardsapi.com API and uses ES6 for the game logic as well as featuring a responsive layout.
One of my recent challenges from the FrontendMentor.io site, this fully responsive app makes use of multiple event listeners and time outs working in sync to simulate a smooth play experience.
This app is one of several challenges from the FrontendMentor.io website and features a responsive design using flexbox and grid with a different layout for screens over 1000px. I altered the input locations slightly for a better UX.
If you're interested in working together or just want to connect, feel free to send me a message!